This’s an english paragraph to test the effects of english letters and punctuation.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
3.1 内置引用
3.2 语法高亮
1 | import sys |
3.3 表格
header 1 | header 2 |
row1 col1 | row1 col2 |
row2 col1 | row2 col2 |
3.4 粗体、斜体以及分割线
3.5 列表
3.5.1 无序列表
- 列表1
- 列表1.1
- 列表1.2
- 列表2
- 列表2.1
- 列表2.2
- 列表3
3.5.2 有序列表
- 列表1
- 列表1.1
- 列表1.2
- 列表2
- 列表3
3.6 制作勾选框(To-do List)
- [x] 已完成项1
- [x] 已完成项目1.1
- [ ] 未完成项1
- [ ] 未完成项2
4.1 流程图
graph TD A(Chrismas #)-->B{{Go shopping #}} B-->C{Let me think ###} C-->|One|D[Laptop #] C-.->|Two|E((IPhone #)) C-->|Three|F>Car #]
4.2 序列图
sequenceDiagram participant Alice Alice->John: Hello John, how are you today? loop Healthcheck John->John: Fight against hypochondria end Note right of John: Rational thoughts
prevail... John-->Alice: Great! John->Bob: How about you? Bob-->John: Jolly good!
4.3 甘特图
gantt dateformat YYYY-MM-DD title Product Project section first stage clear requirment: crit, done, s1, 2016-05-03, 10d check requirment: crit, done, s2, after s1, 10d section sencond stage development: crit, active, after s2, 30d section third stage test: 2016-06-10, 30d
4.4 状态机
stateDiagram [*] --> Still Still --> [*] Still --> Moving Moving --> Still Moving --> Crash Crash --> [*]
4.5 饼状图
pie "Dogs": 386 "Cats": 85 "Rats":26
五、 数学公式(mathjax)
Mathematical formula $y=x^2$
Inline Math: $\dfrac{\tfrac{1}{2}[1-(\tfrac{1}{2})^n] }{1-\tfrac{1}{2} } = s_n$
Math block